Thursday, November 20, 2008

we call it INVESTMENT...

TOTO MEGA 6/52....................

My friend told me the prize had been accumulated to RM 20,000,000.00!! It's tempting!! **who doesn't like money?? even monks and nuns do like them too~~~**
So, my friends and I 'invented' 5 bucks...quite nervous when waiting for the result..
imagined what I'm gonna do with those money..
**shopping of course!! use it for charity purpose!! travel!!**

but we Won nothing........**sad........**


Jennyleow said...

hey silly girl...buying toto arhhh???!!!

By the way, dun give up ya, someday it might come to your turn. haha...

Miss you...take care and wish you all the best in study.

Pls send my reards to Mr. Razif.

With Love,

cheewei said...

what a investment you did..
very low risk and extremely high return.. :P